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共239道题目,平均难度:5D 做题次数:418517次
I don't want nobody to get killedI'll come and get youI am always ready to fight
So don't take all of the blame we were all swept away
Or don't take all of the weight.
You always do
There will always be something you cannot control
We will overcome
Your salvation has begun
No signs No lights,Such a mess all over
Don't kill your hopes
You make me realize who I need
I'll be there hold on
They'll change you somehow
So where are you now?I'll reach you by dawn
Before you can be turned
Illusions are torn
The fallen angels you run with don't know
It is the pain that makes us all human after all
Warm old sepia photographs show
Our fragile precious world
Must protect it,respond to the call
- 1、beyond 101 5 dan! (185)
- 2、beyond 101 6 dan! (16)
- 3、beyond 101 7 dan! (22)
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